One-click access to your entire digital archive. Remarkably better results, thanks to our OCR solution based on artificial intelligence. Don't make it hard on yourself because from now on; all your customer data is accessible—even the handwritten documents.
Demo requestOCR software
Any file type will do
The search is over
eDiscovery is a full-service, fully integrable tool that lets you search your entire archive. Redefine your DMS.
The problem
Our solution
Those who use eDiscovery
Hyarchis e-Discovery not only made Quion’s archive of 55 million documents searchable at a textual level but also does the same for the 150.000 new documents that arrive on a monthly basis. This allows for better and more targeted service to be provided to customers. Additionally, a fully searchable archive is a stepping stone that puts Quion on a roadmap that will see, among other things, fully automated quality control.